The Volunteer Agreement describes the arrangement between Rainbow and you. We wish to assure you of our appreciation for your time and effort in volunteering with us. The time and effort you spend helping us keep Rainbow the wonderful school is essential to our community. The volunteer hours everyone contributes helps to cut down on maintenance expenses and in turn, tuition cost. We will do the best we can to make your volunteer experience with us enjoyable and rewarding. We want you to feel like a crucial and full member of our Rainbow community. The volunteer agreement outlines our hopes for our arrangement with you. We aim to be flexible, so please let us know if you have other ideas and we will do our best to accommodate you.
10 hours of volunteer time per contract year is required as part of enrollment at Mount Calvary Rainbow Child Care Center. Families who choose to financially opt-out will be billed at the end of the term $20.00 per hour unfulfilled.
When volunteering at Rainbow I agree:
To sign in and out with name, times, and signature to meet state licensing requirements.
●To help Rainbow with its needs by donating 10 hours of volunteer work each term/year.
●To perform my volunteer role to the best of my ability.
●To follow Rainbow’s procedures and standards, including health and safety, equal opportunities, as related to its staff, volunteers, and clients.
●Siblings or any child accompanying volunteers cannot replace a parent volunteer or work for them. Sibling work will not be calculated into the 9 hours of volunteer time owed and any child/sibling must stay with, and is the sole responsibility of parent/volunteer at all times.
●To meet the time commitments and standards agreed to except in exceptional circumstances, and to give reasonable notice so other arrangements can be made.
It is the responsibility of each family to record volunteer time electronically. This information is also in the parent handbook.
Some of the volunteer opportunities available may include:
Gardening days (planting flowers, pruning bushes, weeding…)
Program/Party crafts (cutting, gluing…)
Program/Party set up (tables and chairs)
General Maintenance (assisting with Costco trips, organizing cabinets or other areas..)
Board Membership
Zip Tye Slinkies under awnings to discourage bird activity.
Assist with Costco shopping trip.
Lable the Art Room Closet.
Repair outdoor signs.
Repair toys and books (this can be done at home).
Take an air conditioning unit from our current location and bring it to Old Rainbow for storage.
Paint a wooden scooter ramp.