Enrolled families must contract to participate in helping maintain the school by volunteering for 9 Service Hours per family; per school year. (This equates to 45 minutes per month.) It is the parents’ responsibility to record volunteer time electronically.
Trim all bushes in Fairy/Hall gardens
Clean/Organize Laundry area
Add cat litter to paint – take to trash
Haul trash from outdoor storage (Monica’s
Closet) to dumpster (triple credit hours for
this job)
Use pick axe and shovel to dig loose the sand
area, shovel sand from lower to upper level
(pillared area) and on rocks and steps. (triple
credit hours for this job)
Trim trees around perimeter of playground
Wash chairs, sweep/use blower in pirate ship and
on concrete
Spray paint parking lines
Defrost Freezer
Weed front entrance area
Paint front door (Friday pm or Saturday am)
Repair toys
Clean Crab cage