Professional Development Day for Teachers and President's Day Holiday.
**Professional development days are a requirement, regulated by the State of Colorado, Department of Human Services, Devision of Child Care and Learning.
Professional Development Day for teachers. and Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. **Professional development days are a requirement, regulated by the State of Colorado, Department of Human Services, Devision of Child Care and Learning.
Please have your child at the school no later then 3:00. We will feed the children dinner. We encourage families to invite grandparents. Please let us know about all grandparents who will be coming so we may reserve them a seat. Parent's ticket in is one dozen cookies.
Please sign-up for the time slot that works best for you at the sign-in table.
All children are invited to the party (7 to 12). Children should wear their costume and we will play games. No candy is given out. This is a very fun party for the kids! Please bring play-cloths (in a LABELED paper bag) for your child to change into for the remainder of the day. We will put their costume in their bag.
An effective tool for making a positive connection with each child, the Rainbow Teachers visit the homes of each of their students for 15 to 20 minutes. During this visit the child shows their teacher their room, pets, and any play areas or toys that they would like to. Teacher will visit briefly with parent as well.
*This date subject to change.
Rainbow requires a 30 day written notice for any change of enrollment. This means if you wish to change the number of days that your child will attend for this coming fall, we require no fewer then 30 days written notice and you will be charged your current tuition for the full 30 days from the day we receive the notice.
This is a pot-luck. Please sign up to bring a main dish, salad, or finger dessert; enough to feed 10. Rainbow will provide the rest. The children will sing songs after we have eaten. All families are invited and you are welcome and encouraged to invite grandparents.
Rainbow requires a 30 day written notice for any change of enrollment. This means if you wish to change the number of days that your child will attend during the summer we require no fewer then 30 days written notice and you will be charged your current tuition for the full 30 days from the day we receive the notice.
Volunteers paint walls and furniture, stain or paint the outside fencing and make needed repairs both inside and outside. This is a good way to get to know others in our community while helping maintain Rainbow.
Professional Development Day for teachers and President's Day
**Professional development days are a requirement, regulated by the State of Colorado, Department of Human Services, Devision of Child Care and Learning.
Professional Development Day and Martin Luther King National Holiday.
**Professional development days are a requirement, regulated by the State of Colorado, Department of Human Services, Devision of Child Care and Learning.