Grow, Play, Learn
We have a strong commitment to balancing free play times and structured group times. We seporate each componant of our day with a storytime. The children have opportunities to play with kids of all ages as well as times to do activities with their own age group. These small group activities are woven throughout the day for everyone.
Daily Available Activities:
*Gardening education and harvesting throughout the growing season
*Gymnastic mats and other large motor equipment *
*Cooking projects
*Dramatic play
*Musical instruments
*Story books in quiet comfy areas
*An art room filled with supplies
*Building materials
*Balls for play indoors and out
*Age appropriate board games
*Large playground with bikes, swings, tree house, pirate ship, water activities, etc.
*Composting and recycling education
*An active science center and much more.
Typical preschool activities are woven throughout our day using observations of what the children’s curiosities, interactions and interests are along with their developmental needs. For instance a three year old boy has interest in trains - a teacher may use a train to paint with or read about, or use it to aid the routine/rhythm of the day by singing train songs at circle or asking her/his group to form a line like a train. Our core curriculum is enhanced with extras such as spring and winter performances, celebrations, and special activities - such as swim lessons, picnics in the park and planting and maintaining their own summer vegetables - designed to provide all the children an opportunity to learn in interactive and exciting ways.
We focus on social skills that encourage an environment that is: fun, respectful, caring, relaxed, forgiving, empathetic. We model forming tight bonds, practicing gratitude, and being excited for learning, encouraging, and accepting the courage to be imperfect. We foster language development, manners and methods of positive interaction, reading, and improving gross and fine motor skills. In addition, kids in the older groups are prepared for kindergarten through letter and number concepts through a plethora of games, and activities, learning their address and phone number, calendar awareness and much more.